Created on READZ
frequently asked questions
We offer you a 14-day free trial of our Studio plan. Our Studio plan offers you all the features you need for designing and publishing beautiful publications.

After 14 days, if you would decide not to continue with Readz then your account, its content and all data related to you is removed.
How many publications can I publish
With our Studio plan you can publish up to 20 live projects, and 100 live flipbooks. There are no limits on the amount of draft or unpublished publications.
If you need more, you can scale your plan and increase the amount of workspaces and publications.
What are the limits of my plan
The Studio plan has everything you need to start designing and publishing your publications.
There are limits for the number of live (published) projects and team members. Additionally, some features are only available as add-ons to the Studio plan.

Please check the pricing page or get in touch if you have any doubts or questions.
Can i publish flipbooks on my plan
The Studio plan allows you to create responsive Readz publications and also allows you to publish PDFs as flipbooks.
Do you offer 'unlimited' plans
We do offer enterprise-oriented plans, and we do our best to make these fit your needs.
Please get in touch so we can talk more about how we can help.
Can you 'tailor' a plan to my needs
With Enterprise plans, we do have the possibility to offer you more freedom and we can fit in requests for larger needs or specific terms and conditions.
Is there a flipbooks-only plan
Yes there is. This option is offered when you sign up for a plan. Please check the pricing page or get in touch if you have any doubts or questions.
Do I need a plan for 1 single project
Yes, you will need to get on a plan to publish. But you'll likely will start publishing more once you get started!
Do you offer discounts for non-profits
We'd love to help! We offer a 30% nonprofit discount off the plan and add-ons of your choice.
We'll just need some documentation of your nonprofit status (e.g. IRS 501C3 or equivalent).
Email us at and we'll happily give you your discount code.
How can I pay for Readz
We accept all major credit cards.
Alternatively, if credit cards are not an option, we can offer you a Paypal payment option.

For enterprise contracts, we do offer invoicing and ACH payment options. If you are interested in using any of these latter options, please contact us.
Monthly vs annual billing
Monthly billing allows you to upgrade, downgrade or cancel your account whenever you need to, month to month.
With annual billing, you commit to a term of 1 year, and you pay the licensing fee upfront. As a reward, you get the last two months of the billing year free.
If I stop my plan, what happens to my content
Your content will remain online for the remainder of your billing cycle. At the end of the billing cycle, your content will move offline, but will be stored for another 60 days should you wish to renew your plan.
Can I change annual plans
You can always upgrade annual plans at any time. You will then be charged for the difference in fees for the remainder of your billing year.

You can cancel or downgrade your annual plan at the end of the billing cycle of 1 year.
HOW can I cancel my account
You can cancel your account any time, and your account will remain valid until the end of the current billing cycle.
Should you wish to cancel your account, please let us know and we'll take care of it, no questions asked.